More than you need, just what you want...

At Tuff Paw we actually are racers and users of aluminum products. We have the products in our trailer and we have products in our shop. We are constantly looking to see what people really need to help organize and safely store all of their trailer and shop needs. We are drag racers, but we have worked with stock car racers, construction people, carpet cleaners, hot rodders, and all sorts of people who have stuff they want organized and safely secured in their trailers. Even though we work with all kinds of people, wanting all kinds of products; we find that everyone wants quality products, at reasonable prices, with good customer service. That is what we try to deliver at TuffPaw. One of products was made with the customer in mind. This customer wanted a stackable fuel jug rack to hold all of his fuel safely in his trailer, but he also wanted some side storage racks--what resulted was a great custom fuel storage container with so many great possibilities! It was more than he needed and exactly what he wanted!
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