All J-A-C-K-E-D UP!!!

What is one of the hardest thing to hold in your trailer? What heavy darn thing don't you want rolling around the trailer hitting your important cargo? What piece of equipment used to take two football offensive line men to move? Well of course the answer is the jack! You have to take a jack to the track to jack up your car, and you never know when you are going to need it...some guys use it to warm their cars up, others only use it when something isn't quite right. But regardless of why and how much you use it, you have to take a jack to the track (and some guys even take a couple of jacks!) and you want these items to be stored securely. Then of course we still have the heavy steel jacks but many people have gone to the light weight aluminum jacks. At Tuff Paw, we have a holder for the steel jack and two styles for the aluminum jack. One is a sleek pouch that the jack can slide into and even has a little storage area for the handle. The other is a floor style with a bracket for the handles to slide into and a separate bracket for the handle. We have tried our styles with all sorts of different brands of jacks and so far they all fit into our isn't it time to have Tuff Paw help you get all "Jacked up"!?!?!