Think Outside of the Box with Tuff Paw Glove Boxes!!!!

At Tuff Paw Aluminum Trailer, Shop, and race car products we are always trying to think "outside of the box." What do people really need? What would be a truly useful product for racers? How can we make products at a reasonable cost to the racers? Let's give people great service! Now that is thinking outside of the box. And we want your help--if you have an idea for a new, innovative, custom product contact us. We are happy to fabricate custom products at fair prices and you will actually get your new product in time to use it soon, not next race season!
One of our exciting products is a dragster or car glove box. All of us have too much stuff rolling around in our cars (e.g., tire gauge, tools, etc.). This handsome and handy box fits in many dragsters (e.g., Race Craft Chassis) and works great in door cars too. If you need a custom box size we can do that as well. Isn't it time to think outside of the box? And isn't it time for great products, at a great price, with great service? Think Outside of the BOX with TUFFPAW!