Tuff Paw Combination Aluminum Product Kit: Great Quality and Great Value!

Your trailer needs some aluminum organization and storage products.
With so many Tuff Paw Aluminum Products at such great prices, it may be hard to know where to even start when deciding what aluminum products you need now. The good news is that with Tuff Paw, you get great quality and a great value so you can buy MORE products! And we all know that more is better!
Well of course at www.tuffpaw.com we know that you need a lot of products to help you organize your trailer and shop, but we have put together a 5 piece starter kit to jump start your storage and organization needs. In our experiences, we have found that a lot of racers need these 5 things and we decided to put them into a combination package to help save you money!
This 5 pc trailer kit is a great way to start with a new trailer,or to add some great products to your existing trailer.This kit includes 5 of our most popular items. 1 Door cabinet 2 Tie down holders 1 Air hose holder 1 Small ext. cord holder. Save money and purchase a complete kit! Cabinet measures 17 1/4"W x 23"H x 5 1/2" deep.This cabinet has a paper towel holder on the bottom of the cabinet.The flip shelf,stays up during transportation with the front clip.Holds 6 to 7 cans on the top shelf and holds 5 to 7 cleaning style bottles on the second shelf.
PRICE: $129.99
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